As someone who has written about laundry a lot and tried a slew of drying racks, I would like to wholeheartedly recommend the HangOn drying rack: https://www.brabantia.com/int_en/hangon-drying-rack It's the best one I've found and folds up so slim!

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super useful, thanks for sharing!

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What do you think of Publics investigation of green energy? https://public.substack.com/p/democrats-green-energy-agenda-behind

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The majority of the piece covers breadcrumbs of insinuation and does not cover the green agenda despite the headline. Also, the source is highly unreliable: https://www.desmog.com/michael-shellenberger/

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Yes! Katharine, my wife and I have put our clothes online to dry for almost 20 years. It's a small step, but one I think most folks can do, at least some of the time. Besides reducing carbon output , there are other advantages. There is no static. Our clothes and linens smell fresher. And they all last longer, too!

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Great advice.

Hope folks take the advice.

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