Feb 20Liked by Katharine Hayhoe

Thanks for your upbeat, can-do information. I’m glad to know about Climate Basecamp.

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Yikes! Chocolate under threat? Ouch!

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Hello, i enjoy chocolate too, also wheat and soybeans, also facing global production issues via climate heat and drougth issues in global grain belt areas. in addition to being the right planet inhabitant im watching short term this current ocean heat wave. What do you think?

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Thanks Katharine, for your part in “shifting people’s perceptions”. @HEATED was my first paid subscription. Love Emily’s work. I also love Chocolate, deeply. I was able to wean myself off Milk Chocolate late in life, and now see cocoa as the superfood that it is. Enjoying a big spoonful of 100% cocoa in my black coffee as I write this. Will be checking out the Climate Basecamp campaign. Also, thanks for mentioning, intentionally or unintentionally, “behavior change”, because unfortunately, personal behavior — lifestyle, our power to mitigate the impacts of global warming as well as our terrible economic system — is the truth wrapped into the greenwashing narrative.

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It was 100% intentional. Thanks John!

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Your noting the impact of private jets traveling to the Super Bowl reminded me of this recent posting from FlightRadar24. https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/las-vegas-business-jets-super-bowl/

Check out their animation of all the flights leaving after the game. https://twitter.com/i/status/1757494022501789876

The impact is obvious - you can't "offset" your way out of that!

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I saw that. Insane!!!

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