I had no idea about the bank thing! My bank isn’t listed, but I requested it. (Tiny local credit union, so hopefully...?)

I love this newsletter. Thank you for always giving me a little more hope and practical steps to take. Your work has been a lifeline for my climate grief.

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Among "the consequences of climate events in other parts of the world that [will] affect us directly here" that we need to prepare for is a growing demand from the less-developed countries of the world that we share a larger portion of our resources (including food) with them. Otherwise, the waves of migrants all around the world will grow to even more unmanageable levels.

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Thank you for your writing. Your story about community benefiting from solar collectors and your personal decisions where to keep your money. Good but not enough. at community level we should be preparing for consequense of cllimate events in other parts of the world that effect us directly here. Such as in short term, a global grain crop or supply chain failure..

I think an eventual global trigger event will encourage communities too prepare better for the changed climate in their own homeplace and elsewhere. Your viewpoints on this issue are anchor for me.. I ask, these coming years we will all be watching our current rapid climate changes. Is this reallI sense this is the timeline we need to anticipate and plan for. Year after year, we should be planning as community for this future. Is this really happening. Or will we continue and slow the curve witth our personal actions? How we care for our watersheds that make our marine foods, where we live, food security, local food chains. Has any community presented a 50 year energy plan in the global context of Dr Hansen's accessment?

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All great suggestions. Thanks.

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it's so good seeing many start to cIean up their act so to speak. And a Iot more ahead needs to be do. I have been driving eIectric for a decade and it's been so frustrating over these years to see how sIow the infrastructure is advancing . But it is now looking a bit more promising. On the downside much of the middle class is stiII priced out of owning electric cars.

Many of us will not spend the money to make our homes more energy efficient, even though there may be state and federal money available to help. And why , why will folks not upgrade their homes? At Ieast state and federal officials are trying to make it economically viable for everyone.

And so we as a country and humanity are slowly moving and making the even simple changes that will assist. However the industrial sector of our country and the world how are they doing. The words that comes to me is carbon pricing.

Are we really charging industry for the true cost of their GHG emissions? And this offsetting idea. Having industry purchase carbon credits to offset their emissions. Who really believes that this approach is going to yield climate cleaner benefits?

Climate scientists are investigating several factors that may have helped make 2023 so remarkably hot, beyond the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

There was the eruption of an underwater volcano near the island nation of Tonga, which spewed a lot of water vapor that helped trap more heat near the planet’s surface.

Water vapor apparently acts almost like a GHG but it traps GHG's. So what is worse a GHG or something like water vapor that traps it in our atmosphere? But I think scientists are missing something here. Maybe Katherin can jump in with her input. As far as I have explored for every ton of water vapor that condenses into our atmosphere 2 million BTU's of heat is also released. So it appears could WV add a double edge sword to the climate crisis? I would think the the heating that is released may remain within a relatively localized area or may travel a short distance away on prevailing winds and therefore affect another area.. So this makes me wonder if there are other sources with large temperature differentials creating WV that could be created by industry, that would again be trapping GHG's and adds heat into our atmosphere that we may not be looking at?

We're paying a lot of attention to carbon and fossil fuels but almost 0 attention to water vapor pollution. Could we be missing aneen important stone that has not yet been turned over in this climate crisis?


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